Mercurial Microtones | 80edo Dark Ambient
A dark ambient drone featuring microtonal intervals under the influence of elemental Mercury (also known as Quicksilver).
A dark ambient drone featuring microtonal intervals under the influence of elemental Mercury (also known as Quicksilver).
An alchemy-inspired exploration of the octave divided into 16 equal parts. 16edo microtuning was chosen because it is the atomic number for Sulphur (S).
The dissonant intervals possible when overlapping multiple tuning systems. Specifically 11Edo and 17Edo. 11 and 17 were chosen because they are the atomic numbers for Na (Sodium) and Cl (Chloride) respectively.
Free form synth sketching in √1111edo (‘the square root of 1111’ Equal Divisions of the Octave ~ 36.00180 cents / semitone). Just to hear what it would sound like.
A recitation of ‘Liber Resh vel Helios’ through delays, flangers, vocoders, VSTs, and audio-to-midi converters.
Pogson’s Ratio (the fifth root of 100) refers to the logarithmic Magnitude scale used to classify the brightness of celestial bodies.
Algorithmic Composition featuring six simultaneous equal temperaments: 27Edo, 12Edo, 9Edo, 7Edo, 5Edo, and 4Edo.
A Vedic Astrological Chart transformed into a cipher for the creation of chords and intervals.
Astrological sonification of the solstices and equinoxes from June 2024 through June 2025.